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UNFPA trains activists to work in regions affected by cyclone Idai

UNFPA trains activists to work in regions affected by cyclone Idai


UNFPA trains activists to work in regions affected by cyclone Idai

calendar_today 09 May 2019

Training of activists to work in areas affected by cyclone Idai - ©UNFPA Mozambique / Alex Muianga
Training of activists to work in areas affected by cyclone Idai - ©UNFPA Mozambique / Alex Muianga

In Sofala, one of the provinces hit by cyclone Idai, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) carries out a series of activities to support the region's recovery process.

Some of these actions are related to the training of midwives, social workers and the training of activists who will work in the areas most affected by the cyclone. This Tuesday (May 7), UNFPA trained 30 activists from the multi-sectoral program Geração Biz, who will undertake awareness-raising work within the communities.

Training of activists to work in areas affected by cyclone Idai - ©UNFPA Mozambique / Alex Muianga

"These volunteers will support mobilization, sensitization, and prevention of gender-based violence in resettlement centers in Mandruse and Magandafuta, two regions located 30 km from the city of Beira. Social workers were also integrated integrated in this particular training; they will be responsible for the 'women-friendly space´ (a place for the integration and support for women living in accommodation centers)," said Alex Muianga, an expert in UNFPA community engagement. Since the start of the response to cyclone Idai, UNFPA has trained 180 volunteers for these activities. 

Alex Muianga (centro) durante sessão de informação com os ativistas em Beira - Foto de UNFPA Moçambique
Alex Muianga in an information session with activists in Beira - ©UNFPA Mozambique / Natalia da Luz

UNFPA continues with its plan to distribute dignity kits (with hygiene and protection items), maternity kits (with equipment for the care of pregnant and laboring women), reproductive health kits, installation of tents to support the health services and information sessions to combat gender-based violence. Some of these activities will be implemented in the north of the country, in regions hit by Cyclone Kenneth.

* On March 14, the cyclone left more than 600 dead in the country. More than 70,000 people are still in accommodation centers.

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