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Relatório sobre a Situação da População Mundial 2024

2024 State of the World Population Report

State of World Population Report

UNFPA's annual State of World Population report, "Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope: Ending Inequalities in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights,", highlights the continuing impact of various types of discrimination on progress in women's and girls' sexual and reproductive health globally. 

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AADPD10+ Mozambique



The report presents an overview of population and development in Mozambique from 1994- 2023, highlighting progress, achievements, challenges, and opportunities. The AADPD10+ review aims to assess the status of implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and AADPD commitments made in 2014 under the leadership of African Union and its contribution to the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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young girls review cover

2022 in Review Newsletter

Annual Report

UNFPA Mozambique’s 2022 Annual Report in newsletter-formar, 2022 in Review, outlines the agency’s achievements and thematic priorities during the first year of its tenth country program.

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Thematic Studies Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets: Results of the Population and Housing Census 2017


Discover valuable insights from the 2017 Census data! 

The thematic studies - developed by the Government of Mozambique, with support from UNFPA - are based on 2017 Population and Housing Census Data.

To increase the availability, understanding, and widespread use of Census data for education, policy, planning, and action, the Thematic Studies offer a wealth of knowledge on key social and economic topics, analyze geographical and social disparities and inequalities, and track the progress of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) achievements in the country.

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Gender-Transformative Accelerator Tool: Mozambique

Gender-Transformative Accelerator Tool: Mozambique

Annual Report

The UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage has developed and field-tested a Gender-Transformative Accelerator Tool as part of efforts to operationalize gender-transformative programming under Phase II (2020-2023) of the Global Programme, with the aim of the tool being to facilitate interactive programmatic reflection and action planning to end child marriage.

This report - available in English and Portuguese - outlines the roll out of the tool in Mozambique.

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GBV AoR bi-annual report 2022

Bi-annual report of the GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR)

Situation Report

Women and girls continue to face gender-based violence (GBV) risks associated with the ongoing-armed conflict in Cabo Delgado that began in 2017. These risks have been exacerbated by climatic hazards (e.g. Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in 2019 and Gombe in March 2022), which have caused mass displacements in a country where even before these conflicts, gender inequalities were deeply rooted in prevailing socio-cultural norms and practices, such as early and forced marriage and transactional sex. Under the leadership of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the co-chairing role of Fundação Ariel, the GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR) in Cabo Delgado coordinates GBV prevention and response by partners in Northern Mozambique. The GBV AoR met bi-weekly over the last 6 months, with attendance by 36 organizations. The Strategic Advisor Group met quarterly, and the Case Management Technical Working Group was recently revived.

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Family Planning Project Fact Sheet

Family Planning Project Fact Sheet (2022)

Fact Sheet

The Family Planning Project, funded by the United Kingdom, is working at the policy level to create an enabling environment to increase and sustain financing for family planning and to strengthen the supply chain and logistics management of contraceptives while ensuring contraceptive availability.

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 UNFPA Mozambique Humanitarian Update

UNFPA Mozambique Humanitarian Update

Situation Report

The humanitarian update reinforces that women and girls are bearing the brunt of the crisis, facing an increased risk of gender-based violence, unintended pregnancies, and preventable death due to complications in pregnancy and childbirth.

In response, UNFPA’s life-saving work through the Government of Mozambique is more important than ever as the agency scales-up investment and prioritization for women, girls, and youth, working together with partners to ensure that no one is left behind.

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UNFPA Mozambique’s 2021 Annual Report

UNFPA Mozambique’s 2021 Annual Report

Annual Report

UNFPA Mozambique’s 2021 Annual Report, Reaching Those Furthest Behind, outlines the agency’s achievements and thematic priorities under the last year of its ninth country program (2017 - 2021).

Through the generous support of its funding partners, UNFPA helped to meet nearly half of the contraceptive needs of the country, provide remote health and protection services to 80,000 people, engage 1,000 community leaders to fight child marriage, mentor 90,000 adolescent girls on sexual and reproductive health, train nearly 2,000 Government staff on statistical literacy and gender data, and invest in innovative initiatives such as a ride-hailing mobile platform for pregnant women.

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 Austria-funded 2021/2022 Project Update

Austria-funded 2021/2022 Project Update

Situation Report

The project focuses on scaling-up life-saving sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services for the most vulnerable women and girls in Northern Mozambique.

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