Sandra Elsa Jaime is 28 years old and has 3 children that she cares for on her own.
Sandra lived in the lowest area along the Buzi river and was recently resettled in Machiquile 1 in Guaraguara.
Sandra tries hard to avoid memories of the day Cyclone Idai made landfall. She only speaks freely about the moment she was rescued by boat.
Sandra's greatest delight is the opportunity she has today to teach more than 115 women at the resettlement site to make baskets and brooms, and she openly expresses her pride in never having to buy a basket or a broom in her life.

©UNFPA Mozambique/Alexandre Muianga
Sandra became an activist for the first time and she has been conducting sessions on breastfeeding, gender-based violence, and female hygiene. On Wednesdays and Fridays, Sandra leads the craft-making activities, using every opportunity to conduct a session and to try to sell the products made.

©UNFPA Mozambique/Alexandre Muianga