Mucojo - This week, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) participated in a mission to assess damages caused by Cyclone Kenneth * in Mucojo, in the province of Cabo Delgado. According to the Local Government Administration, Mucojo has 36,561 inhabitants throughout 21 small villages. More than 90% of their homes were destroyed, the water, electricity, and communications systems were also compromised.

“The objective of the mission was to check the current situation regarding the state of health facilities after Cyclone Kenneth and how the gender-based violence response is being conducted. UNFPA has also set up tents to support the health center and delivered sexual and reproductive health kits with medicines and equipment," said Conote Elias, local UNFPA coordinator for the response to Kenneth.
Currently, two of the major problems faced by the local population and the health unit, are lack of water and electricity, affecting the ability to attend to nighttime deliveries. According to the local leader, there is no communication with the administrative post of Mucojo, which is only possible at a distance of 45 kilometers.

Every day, 2 or 3 deliveries are recorded at the local health unit. UNFPA sexual and reproductive health kits help health workers ensure that labor is done safely with fewer risks to the life and health of the mother and baby.
"In the coming days, we will return to distribute dignity kits that will be distributed to these women and girls in situations of vulnerability," Conote added.
*Cyclone Kenneth struck the north of Mozambique on April 25, leaving 45 dead and about 300,000 affected.
More info:
UNFPA conducts activities to support victims of cyclone Kenneth
With UN and government support, Brazilian firefighters rescue victims of Cyclone Kenneth